The time has arrived. You’ve stopped thinking about that trip you’ve dreamed of taking for so long…and you’ve booked. So what happens next?
1. Panic
You did it. You clicked that tiny little button and paid your money. BUT WAS IT THE RIGHT DECISION? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?
2. Second Thoughts
Who even put you in charge of making such big decisions? Sure, you have a job and make money to buy things but this was probably a mistake, it HAS to be! Right? RIGHT?
3. Financial Stress
Wow, travel can be expensive, can’t it? You did manage to snag that killer last minute deal and yeah, you did “borrow” some of your parents travel points to pay for the flight but still. Now you seriously need to save, ok? No more Starbucks for like…at least a week.
4. Curiosity
Okay, the possibility might exist in which this wasn’t a horrible idea. You need a break. You want to see the world. I mean, you’ve ALWAYS wanted to go to Greece so of course, you’ve booked this trip. That is so you. Maybe this was a good idea…maybe.
5. Insecurity
Nope, never mind. You don’t know anything about anything. You definitely should not be in charge of big decisions. How could you have thought going on a Eurotrip with a bunch of strangers was a good idea? Unless…
6. Excitement
You can’t quite place it…are you maybe…are you a little excited? After all, this trip could be life-changing; you could meet your future husband or wife or spirit guide or, well anything really! Life is full of amazing surprises!
7. Freedom
It’s beginning to dawn on you that by booking this trip you’ve freed yourself from the prison that is day-to-day life. Soon you’ll be able to walk straight outta work and turn your back on it all for a sweet, sweet break. Now start brainstorming the perfect out-of-office alert.
8. Invincibility
Actually booking a trip just because you want to is pretty badass. You’ve come so far and now you’re ready to continue exploring the world in all its wonder. Nothing can stop you now, nothing! You are the master of your own destiny!
9. Panic (again)
Nope, nope, nope. Never mind about all the stuff we talked about. This was definitely a huge mistake! You can barely remember to do laundry, how are you gonna take care of yourself halfway across the world? How do you even pack a suitcase?
10. Empowered
Yup, you managed to fit that extra pair of shoes in your bag despite the zipper breaking once or twice. Are you actually the best person to ever vacation? Why did you ever think you couldn’t do this? You’re the best. Someone should put you in charge of a country or something.
11. Peaceful
You are cool as a cucumber…or a Wookie who’s just outrun the Empire. Either way, you’re all set and ready to go for the vacation of a lifetime. All you can see when you close your eyes is the stunning silhouette of the Roman Coliseum. You can pretty much taste the pasta and chardonnay now. It was SO silly to waste all that time worrying, wasn’t it?