The year? 2016. The historic event? The release of Pokemon GO, a spin on the traditional 1998 Nintendo game that now involves grabbing your phone and catching wild Pokemon using augmented reality technology.
But it doesn’t take a genius to find a Rattata in your own backyard. Are you a world traveller or not? Are you a true Pokemon master or just a fad follower? It’s time to put your money where your mouth is and let Pokemon GO take you on a world-wind journey fit for Ash Ketchum himself.
So ask yourselves…do you have it in you to climb the highest peaks and cross the deepest valleys to catch em all? Check out our list of the most epic places to find your favourite Pokemon.
1. Gyarados, Location: Jaws Break, Hawaii

2. Rhyhorn, Location: Lut Desert, Iran

3. Snorlax, Location: Mount Whitney, United States

4. Charmander, Location: Turkmenistan, The Darvaza Gas Crater

5. Dugtrio, Location: Death Road, Bolivia

6. Fearow, Location: Victoria Falls, Africa

7. Slowpoke, Location: Annapurnas, Nepal

8. Psyduck, Location: Angel Falls, Venezuela

Featured image by: Kentaro IEMOTO