Guide Standards: What You Need to Know

The international adventure travel industry has experienced exponential growth over the past decade. According to the ATDI 2015 Adventure Tourism Development Index Report, between 2009 and 2012 alone, the adventure travel market in Europe and the Americas experienced an average yearly size increase of 65%.

With areas of The Himalayas, the Baltic region and Magallanes Region & Antártica Chilena Province becoming more accessible and easier to travel through, more and more travellers are undertaking trips in what were once remote areas of the world.

This has also meant a heightened amount of tour operators practicing and providing guided adventure based tours throughout these regions.

So much so, there has been a call to ensure that the adventure travel market, although experiencing its renaissance, continues to provide high level tours and that guides will continue to provide the high level experience that is expected.


What is adventure travel?

Typically, adventure travel is a form of travel that takes place in a foreign land and interacts with respective cultures, that also involves an undertaking of physical activity or exertion, potentially with a perceived or inherent risk higher than that of your beachside holiday. Or simply put;

“travelling outside a person’s normal environment for more than 24 hours and not more than one consecutive year) that includes at least two of the following three elements: physical activity, natural environment, and cultural immersion. ”

(pg 5, Adventure Tourism Development Index, Fifth Edition, 2015)

While hiking, biking and surfing are generally the most accessible types of adventure travel, some adventure travel requires specialized knowledge or skillsets such as rock climbing, mountaineering or even BASE jumping.


What are the current regulations?

While there are existing standards that govern the adventure travel industry, they are voluntarily observed (Global Report on Adventure Tourism, 2014) and there is no real way of enforcing these regulations. There are also regulations, which are established and enforced by governments and government agencies within individual countries.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) developed the Adventure Tourism Safety Standard, ISO/ TC 228 WG 7,9, which up until the Adventure Travel Trade Association’s release of the the 2016 Standards, were the only international adventure tourism standards in existence.

FYI: The Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA) is the association for adventure travel made up of a range of members (tour operators, tourism boards, specialty agents and accommodations ) all with a vested interest in the sustainable development of adventure tourism.

Hence we, as a travel community, are faced with the task of developing and promoting a set of standards that could be agreed upon, followed and enforced across tour operators both locally and internationally. A documented agreement, if you will, of what level of expertise and skills tour operators should be looking for and encouraging in their guides whilst on the job.

Although there are international travel standards and quality assurance systems that bridge countries and regions, until the ATTA guide standards, there was not a standard developed specifically for the adventure travel industry with a focus on the deliverance of a high quality and safe experience for travellers whilst ensuring the reputation and sustainability of the industry by protecting the communities and cultures of the destinations travelled to.

What are the ATTA standards?

The standards cover the 5 main principles of adventure travel to ensure that guides possess capabilities in the core competencies of:

–  Technical Competency

–  Wilderness Medicine & First Aid

– Customer Service & Group Management Skills

– Natural & Cultural History Interpretation (Content Delivery)

– Sustainability

So this is all well and good – but how do these standards translate to the traveller’s experience?

How are they put in place to protect the traveller and ensure their safety, and do they also protect the cultures and environments through which tours are being led?

Let’s break them down further.

Technical Competency: Guides must possess the technical ability, including current, available sport-specific certifications, to safely carry out activities offered in the commercial trip.

This competency will differ case by case depending upon the sport or activity undertaken by the group. However, a high level of proficiency in orientation and navigation and the management of emergency situations, risks, and hazards is required regardless of location and activity. This competency also relates to guides being required to have current and valid license and extensive training of the equipment and vehicles specific to the activity they are leading.

Wilderness Medicine & First Aid: Guides must possess a first aid certification based on the recognized protocol for the amount of time required to reach definitive care.

The very nature of adventure travel dictates that activities will be of a physical nature and will take place outside typically controlled circumstances or environments of traditional travel. With that in mind, guides need to ensure that they have the skills and qualifications to respond to a circumstance should it arise.

Customer Service & Group Management Skills: Guides must be trained with an emphasis on customer service and must possess strong abilities in verbal and non-verbal communication.

Group situations, especially ones taking place outside an individual’s comfort zone, can be stressful. And that’s where the guide comes in; an adventure guide balances the responsibilities of providing a high level of customer service to participants while ensuring both safety protocols are being followed and relationships are successful intercultural communication is achieved with locals. This requires guides to be mindful abilities and limitations and aware of any changes in health & wellbeing of participants; to act as mediator between participants and service providers; are overall respectful of participants and local parties; and can clearly communicate verbally and nonverbally.

Natural & Cultural History Interpretation (Content Delivery): Guides must be knowledgeable about relevant local history. Guides must be knowledgeable about natural history in the environment they visit. Educational techniques must be used to share this information in an engaging manner with guests.

Guides are expected to be knowledgeable on not only natural and cultural history but political relevance and current events. To present accurate information in an unbiased manner and communicate in a manner easily understood by participants. Providing the traveller with engaging cultural connections and a deeper understanding and respect for the communities and history of the areas through which they pass.

Sustainability: Principles of Low Impact Adventure Travel Guiding

Guides are required to be trained in and to adhere to the principles and application of Leave No Trace, a framework for outdoor recreation ethics. These principles advise travellers to: plan ahead and prepare, travel and camp on durable surfaces, dispose of waste properly, leave what you find, minimize campfire impacts, respect wildlife and be considerate of other visitors.


How is the standard enforced?

Unfortunately, at this point in time, the ATTA’s standard is not a compulsory guideline for adventure travel guides. However, the ATTA recommends:

Both new and experienced guides may refer to the standard as a benchmark for evaluating their own performance and determining the course of their training. This standard has been written to specifically apply to adventure travel guides.

Ultimately the industry is moving towards regulating these experiences so that travellers can have full confidence in the product they’re buying.

How can you make sure your guide is right for you?

If you are thinking of embarking on an adventure travel expedition, it’s typically safest to book before landing in the country to ensure you’re getting the highest quality experience.

Do your research – read up on providers, what types of adventures they specialise in and whether they suit what you’re after. When you book, you can raise any questions or concerns you may have with tour providers.

Check guide and operator profiles on These come complete with quality overall ratings and feedback for customers that have taken their trips.

In the end, the decision is up to the individual. Keep in mind, that an overwhelming majority of adventure tour guides are already actively practicing and implementing these standards in the tours they operate. But it does help to do your due diligence and ensure that your next adventure tour is the right fit for you.

Check out TourRadar’s Adventure Guide of the Year Awards, with a judging panel comprised of ATTA members and prizes sponsored by Garmin and ExOfficio.

After seeing La Sagrada Família on TV when she was 12, Sarah knew that one day she’d see it in person. FYI: Spain is a long way away from her home of Melbourne, Australia. Thanks to Indiana Jones, Sarah thought she was going to be an Archeologist when she grew up. She ended up living in Toronto, Canada, taking every opportunity to travel and eat fried chicken & donuts.

Silhouette of a group of people giving the peace sign in front of a sunset
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