Although planning a holiday in advance has its advantages, there are also benefits with booking last minute. For example, you may get rewarded with a great hotel deal or a discount on an in-destination activity like scuba diving. So, if you’re thinking about embracing spontaneity and booking a last-minute holiday, read on for our top tips to make it a stress-free experience.

Be flexible with dates
Flexibility is the key to last-minute travel. Being flexible with your travel dates will mean you’re able to secure better deals (and generally, this advice is true whether you’re travelling during a pandemic or not).
For example, travelling on Christmas Day is likely to be cheaper than on Christmas Eve, as fewer people are willing to sacrifice the 25th of December to a plane or train journey.
Be flexible with your plans
As well as being flexible with dates, if you’re planning to travel now or in the near future, it’s worth bearing in mind that restrictions are rapidly changing and you may be faced with the prospect of a cancelled trip or the requirement for isolation on your return.
It’s wise to build some degree of flexibility into your travel plans and be prepared with a Plan B.

Understand the fine print
Make sure to read up on the cancellation policies for your flight, adventure, and/or hotels. Many airlines have relaxed their policies and are offering flexible booking options meaning it should be easy to change your plans if need be.
Check at the time of booking your hotel whether it allows you to cancel or change the dates of your stay at short notice, so you don’t get caught out if travel restrictions in your area change.
Don’t forget travel insurance
Travel insurance is complicated at the moment, with different providers offering different levels of cover for COVID-related cancellations. If you already have travel insurance – an annual policy, for example – take a look at the fine print to see what terms and conditions have been added for coronavirus cancellations and disruptions.
If you’re booking a last-minute trip and don’t have any insurance, make sure to check out a variety of providers to see what they offer. Some travel insurance search engines will allow you to filter by COVID-19 protection, making the job easier for you.

Reach out to a specialist
Talking to a travel specialist may be your best bet for getting a good last-minute deal. Not only will they be able to source the best value trips for your money, but they will also prove invaluable in helping you to secure a refund should you need it.
Consider a group or private adventure
If you’ve never taken an organised group or private adventure before, perhaps now is the time to try one. They offer the opportunity to pack a whole load of activities and sightseeing into a long weekend, week, fortnight, or longer.
If you’re booking last-minute, it means you’ve got a pre-planned trip ready for you, with no legwork required on your end to plan. You can get some great deals on adventures when you book closer to the departure date, and many operators are offering flexibility so you can re-book for a later date if your plans have to change.

Thinking of booking a last-minute adventure? Contact TourRadar’s team of Travel Experts now for personalised assistance finding your perfect trip.