I have this philosophy when I travel that I should never turn down an opportunity that comes my way. Try new food. Jump off scary cliffs. Swim in croc infested waters. Swing from the trees. Get naked with strangers…what? Get naked with strangers? Am I crazy?
But as the saying goes, when in Turkey, do as the Turkish do…and in this instance that just happens to mean getting naked with strangers in a Turkish Hammam. Obviously I was a bit hesitant to tackle this one, but I mean who wouldn’t be…getting naked and scrubbed down in a large group?

The Basics:
1. Strip down and wrap yourself in a mini towel. This mini towel might cover all your bits if you are a mere 5’0’’ in height, but being 5’8 I had some rearranging to do! (I decided to not go fully commando and left my bikini bottoms on as protection against the possibility of the Turkish ladies grazing my crotch with the loofah!)
2. While sitting in a typical Turkish room with lavish, colorful pillows and traditional music playing, a lady will come and paint your face with mud. Being someone’s muse is not a common occurrence in my life, and I couldn’t help but giggle while she went about her work with complete seriousness.
3. Once the mud dries you are then ushered into a small sauna. For 15 minutes I sat in this tiny room while every single pore on my body sweat profusely.
4. Next you will be herded toward the showers. I was able to wash the mud mask off my face and rinse the lovely sweat off my body which was refreshing beyond words.
5. Next is the ‘piece de resistance’…the bathing room. As I opened the door to the baths I didn’t really know what to expect. Although it doesn’t take much to shock me, I couldn’t help but feel like a cartoon where the character’s eyes pop out of their head. Before me was this large tiled room with an octagon like bench in the center. Laying there stark naked were women of every shape and size being rubbed by big, strong Turkish women. I had nowhere to look but at the naked bodies before me, of which there were many. Fighting the anxious butterflies in the pit of my stomach I asked myself, “Really Heather, why have you willingly put yourself in this terrifying position?”
6. The actual washing – once I closed my eyes and just pretended that I was in a room all alone, it was totally amazing. It was more like a massage than anything else. Apart from the butt slapping when she wanted me to turn over and the wedgie when she wanted to wash my lower half…I really was in heaven. They do this bubble massage where they have this pillowcase like sac and it balloons out with air, but when she squeezes it, an enormous amount of bubbles come shooting out. The whole experience is so bizarre but almost awe-inspiring as well.
7. After being scrubbed squeaky clean it was time for the oil massage. During the massage, pure olive oil is poured all over the body and they say that because your pores are open from all the previous scrubbing, your body absorbs the oil extremely quickly. My massage was simply fantastic…but then again who would bark at a massage?
8. Once your final massage is complete, you are given the customary apple tea while you relax.

Sounds great, where can I get one?
The most well known Turkish Hammams are in Istanbul, including Ayasofya Hurrem Sultan Bath, Cagaloglu, Cemberlitas and Galatasaray baths.
Similar hammam experiences can be found throughout Morocco, where you can bare all. Water, considered sacred, and cleanliness are essential elements of Islam, so the hammam experience has become an integral part of Moroccan life.
Despite leaving slightly traumatized by the culture shock I would definitely describe the experience as being worth every second! A definite must do if you are ever traveling in Turkey! Happy bathing!