When you look back on your travel life, you might think:
“Actually, I’ve seen some pretty cool places”
And you might be right. But where it might take you over 20 years to feel even the slightest bit well-travelled, there’s an elite group out there who have more stamps in their passport by the time they’re two than you can rack up throughout your whole life: ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the privileged lives of celebrity babies!
That’s not even where it stops. There are even scelebrity pets who have more frequent flyer miles than you do. Ask yourself, does a dog get a tan in St. Tropez or consider the tranquillity of life overlooking a mountain in Switzerland? Maybe not. But should that stop you from experiencing uncontrollable jealousy at the thought of a pooch or wee baby kicking back at four star resort in Bali? No!
Prince George & Princess Charlotte (Prince William and Kate Middleton’s children)

These kids of British royalty have a hectic life, being swanned around royal visits to countries all over the world from a very young age. Prince George and Princess Charlotte have collectively been to Australia, New Zealand, Mustique, the French Alps and Canada.
Blue Ivy (Beyonce and Jay-Z)

Even before she was born, Blue Ivy had started the jet setter life with visits to Croatia and more. At four months old, she was in St. Barts, and she’s since sailed around the Mediterranean, gone swimming in the Bahamas, visited Germany, Ireland and even shot a music video with mom while in Brazil… I would go on but I don’t have enough breath in my lungs.
Shiloh, Zahara, Knox, Maddox, Pax and Vivienne (Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt)

You’ve had to have been living under a rock if you don’t know about Angelina Jolie’s six children, but just in case you’re hazy on the details, here’s the rundown: Maddox, Zahara and Pax were adopted from orphanages in Cambodia, Ethiopia and Vietnam while Shiloh, Knox and Vivienne are Angelina and Brad Pitt’s biological children, and they’re all between the ages of 7 and 14.
Obviously from the background, the family are a diverse bunch and Jolie ensures they travel extensively as part of the showbiz life, for example to Cambodia, Australia, the UK, the Galapagos, Tokyo and more. She even gave birth to Shiloh in Namibia, and the money from the picture deals that came from it went right to UNICEF. Brangelina may be over, but Angelina won’t stop saving the world.
Suri Cruise (Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes)

Suri was only seven months old when she attended her parents’ wedding in Italy. Suri has essentially grown up with a pair of ruby slippers able to transport her anywhere; she’s been to Mexico, France, Spain, Brazil and every child’s dream, Disney World.
India Rose Hemsworth (Chris Hemsworth’s daughter)

Half-Spanish, half-Australian and frequently spending time in the US, this baby has travel in her bones. She’s already made the trip to Spain and Australia to get stuck into her tapas-eating, didgeridoo-playing, kangaroo-riding roots. She’s also been spoilt with trips to St Bart’s (this appears to be some celebrity baby destination rite of passage?), Italy and the UK.
North and Saint West (Kim and Kanye)

Ahh, the Kardashian Wests. Love them or hate them… we can only dream about their travelling lifestyle and mask it beneath layers of mockery as deep as the foundation on Kim’s face. Sorry. Not sorry. Anyway… they travel well. North (and Saint) has been taken to St Bart’s, Mexico, Vail, New York, Thailand, Israel and Iceland and will perhaps never be aware of how lucky she is. You’re welcome for your lowest point of your day.
James Reynolds (Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds)

The first Reynolds baby has had some pretty sweet treatment from her movie-star parents. When Blake Lively had to shoot a film in Thailand, little baby James tagged along for the ride. She’s also been to Canada (Ryan Reynolds’ home country), Australia and Spain. Now that Ines has come along, we expect some exceptional family vacations.
Flynn Bloom (Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr)

Half British and half Australian to two very famous and attractive people, baby Flynn is going to be a force to be reckoned with, and not just in drinking contests. He’s already quite the globetrotter, travelling around the US, Mexico, Bora Bora and New Zealand.
Apple & Moses Martin (Gwyneth Paltrow & Chris Martin)

In a world of Goop and “conscious uncoupling”, Apple and Moses must love escaping through travel. And they do it well, with trips to Peru, the Bahamas and Italy. A lot of their adventures, like one to Spain, and festivals like UK’s Glastonbury include seeing their Coldplay frontman dad Chris performing with the band. Sounds like Para-para-paradise. (I’m not even sorry.)
Luna Stephens/Legend (John Legend and Chrissy Teigen)

If anyone is #familygoals it’s Chrissy Teigen and co. Luna has had majorly glamorous vacations to Morocco and Italy so far where the parents have not only given their daughter experiences in beautiful locations, but really raised the bar to look good doing it, too.
Paris Hilton’s dogs

Tinkerbell, the original socialite dog, has sadly passed away. But in her lifetime, we can look back at the good times she had accompanying Paris on lavish vacations. She’s been on set, she’s been down the red carpet, and she’s lived it up on The Simple Life.
Mariah Carey’s dogs

With some of the most ridiculous, diva-induced names in the entire world of pets (you can’t name your dogs The Good Revered Pow Jackson, Jackie Lambchops and Squeak E. Beans and get away with it), Mariah Carey matches the insanity with the price tag. She sent her dogs away for a luxury vacation to the Paw Seasons in Bristol, England, with personalised meals (including organic steak) and a private jet to get them there for a total of nearly $200,000. I really wish these words were a joke, but they’re all too real.
Johnny Depp’s dogs

Lesson number one for celebrities with dogs: just do the boring paperwork. Otherwise you’ll be subjected to a humiliating apology video when you get caught with illegal animals and are expelled from the country (Australia, in Johnny Depp’s case). Case and point: don’t follow Johnny Depp’s example. You can learn from this and be a better person than Depp. Don’t be Johnny Depp.
Karl Lagerfeld’s cat

This is probably the most pampered, glamorous cat going. Choupette constantly flies around the world via private jet from one fashion show to the next. The cat goes literally everywhere with Lagerfeld, essentially an extension of a limb. Although it’s cute, and Choupette is admittedly very beautiful, this does nothing for going against cat stereotypes. Sort it out, Karl, get the girl to eat a burger or go camping or something.