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Plan je avontuur:
- Festival & evenementen
- Jeep & 4WD
- Groep
- Gedeeltelijk begeleid
- Reisorganisatie
- Nepal Hiking Pvt. Ltd.
- Groepsreis
- Sluit je aan bij een groep en maak vrienden voor het leven
- Gedeeltelijk begeleid
- Onafhankelijke reis met enkele begeleide excursies
- Begeleid in het Engels
- Groepsgrootte 1 - 16
- Leeftijdsgroep 18 tot 65
Plaatsen die je zult zien

- Verken de heilige stad Lhasa met een lokale gids
- Bezoek het Potala Paleis en de Jokhang Tempel
- Kijk naar monnikendebatten in het Sera Klooster
- Trek door adembenemende landschappen naar Mt. Kailash
- Ervaar het Saga Dawa festival met pelgrims
Alles uitvouwen
Automatische vertaling beschikbaar in Nederlands. Bekijk in het Nederlands
- Introductie
- Dag 1 Aankomst in Lhasa, transfer naar het centrum (3650m / 60km). Yak hotel op BB
- Dag 2 Lhasa sightseeing: Potala, Jokang tempel en Bharkor. Yak hotel op BB
- Dag 3 Lhasa sightseeing: Drepung en Sera kloosters. Tibet Heritage Hotel op BB
- Dag 4 Rit van Lhasa naar Gyantse (3950m / 280km) Yuthok Hotel op BB
- Dag 5 Rit van Gyantse naar Shigatse (3900m / 90km) Mansarovar hotel 3***op B.B
- Dag 6 Shigatse - Lhatse- Ngamring Tso - Saga (4640m / 440km). Pension op BB
- Dag 7 Rit naar Mansarovar - Chiu Gompa (4750m / 435km). Gastenverblijf op BB
- Dag 8 Geniet van het Kailash-festival in Tarpoche - Dharchen. Pension in Dharchen
- Dag 9 Tarpoche - Dira Phuk (18Km / 5210m)
- Dag 10 Trek naar Zutrul Phuk (4810m) via het oversteken van de Drolma La Pas (5636m / 15km). Verblijf op BB
- Dag 11 Trek naar Dharchen en dan rijden naar Mansarovar - Baryang - Saga (4450m/435km). Verblijf op BB
- Dag 12 Saga - Lhatse - Shigatse (3900m / 405km). Mansarovar Hotel op BB
- Dag 13 Rit van Shigatse naar Lhasa (3650m / 430km). Tibet Heritage Hotel op B.B
- Dag 14 Rit van Lhasa naar de luchthaven van Gongkar (3600m / 60km )
Wat is inbegrepen
Alles uitvouwen
Automatische vertaling beschikbaar in Nederlands. Bekijk in het Nederlands
- Accommodatie
- Gids
- Maaltijden
- Extra diensten
- Vervoer
Niet inbegrepen
- Extra diensten
Foto's van klanten

Uitgevoerd door
Nepal Hiking Pvt. Ltd.
Aantal rondreizen
6- tot 72-jarigen
2 uur
Beoordelingen van klanten
- Algemene beoordelingTamelijk slecht
- ReisrouteSlecht
- GidsTamelijk slecht
- VervoerTamelijk slecht
- AccommodatieSlecht
- VoedingTamelijk slecht
- Karen· 30 mei 2024Automatische vertaling beschikbaar in Nederlands. Bekijk in het NederlandsThe trip seemed very poorly organised. Hotels were a few times overbooked. We had two reasonably good hotels in 15 days. The rest was crap. Overrunning toilets, no heating or airco, tv’s did not work, Wifi never worked, screaming and yelling from the staff all evening and nights long. Staff can’t speak a word of english. Beds were rock hard. Felt like just dump the tourist somewhere, as cheap as possible. Price/ quality did not match at all. We have seen Tibet mainly by endless busrides up to 12 hours a day. The bathrooms we had to use on the way were undescribably dirty and disgusting. The guide was good in doing the paperwork for the checkup's, and taking us from here to there but seemed not really involved in trying to get us the information we needed or telling us about Tibet, the people, the boeddhisme (where I came for!) We did the Kailash trek. I booked a horse in front because of my lungproblems. It seemed no one knew about this arrangement and because many people came to the Sagadawa Festival, there was probably no horse available. Same thing, I had to pay 450 dollar in front for a horse. And I had to pay approximately 1050 yuan for a someone who would carry my backpack. When we arrived at he Kailash all the horses were overbooked. I encouraged the guide to fight for it and he finally turned up with a very old and skinny horse and a boy from 12 years old to guide the horse. It was the boys first time. When we came to the Drolma pass the horse refused to walk any further. So I climbed the hill on my own and almost died 60 meters from the top. A german tourist/ docter helped me. She measured the oxygen in my blood (60!!) gave me oxygene and helped me te get over the top where i found people of my group who helped me another 6 km downwards over loose laying slippery rocks. No guide of the agency to find anywhere. Other tourists cane to my rescue. The agent I booked this Saga DawaFestival tour was Nepal Hiking LTD in Kathmandu, mr Tilak Thapa Magar. He did not answer the many questions I asked him, so I (so to speak jumped in the deep without knowing anything about what, why and when.) I tried a phonecall with the man but his english was so poorly, that did not work either. The confusion was about the question: would I travel directly to Lhasa or better to Kathmandu because of the reluctancy of the chinees to welcome foreigners to Tibet. Finally, He encouraged me to come to Katmandu first. So I changed my original flight from Adam to Lhasa into Adam to Kathmandu. Turns out I was the only one who made that choice, so I had to pay another €1000,- to get from Katmandu to Lhasa. Because I wanted single rooms, he also charged me €500,- extra. At the end of te tour my flight was cancelled from Lhasa to Kathmandu and instead I had to fly to Chengdu and from Chengdu to Kathmandu. ( in Kathmandu I have a retreat for 5 days now) A woman from the agency (the guide did not want to tell the name of the agency ??!) took care of that. But first, mr Tilak wanted €150 more to do so. That is where we stand now. I have no trust or faith what so ever because nothing in this trio worked out according to plan. All and all: the country Tibet with the mountains and the people and the display of boeddhisme I was able to see. But the trip itself was a accumulation of stress and sorrow. Extra costs: €1000 for the unnecessary flights Kathmandu - Lhasa and back. €150, extra for a flight to chengdu- Kathmandu ( because the flight from Lhasa to Kathmandu from Himalaya Airlines was cancelled) $ 450 dollar for a horse that was to old and skinny to do the job. 1050 yuan to carry my luggage over the mountains which was done by car told the guide smiling. I would like Tourradar to react on this response.Toon meerNepal Hiking Pvt. Ltd. gaf een reactie op deze beoordelingLieve Caren, Bedankt voor het delen van je gedachten over je recente ervaring met ons. We begrijpen je bezorgdheid en betreuren het dat bepaalde aspecten van de reis niet aan je verwachtingen voldeden. We willen echter verduidelijken dat de meeste van... Toon meerReisdatum: april 2024
Data & prijzen
14 dagen
14 dagen Kailash Saka Dawa Festival Tour in Tibet
Van Lhasa tot Lhasa
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Eerstkomende vertrekdata
- Directe bevestigingVanaf Dinsdag3 jun. 2025Tot Maandag16 jun. 2025EngelsDeze vertrekdatum is beschikbaar en vertrekt 100%Gegarandeerd vertrekVanaf:€3.399
- Directe bevestigingVanaf Zaterdag23 mei 2026Tot Vrijdag5 jun. 2026EngelsDeze vertrekdatum is beschikbaar en vertrekt 100%Gegarandeerd vertrekVanaf:€3.399
Goed om te weten
Rondreis-ID: 75715
Blijf China verkennen
- China van Lhasa
- China Festival & evenementen
- Rondreis met kleine groep
- 14 dagen China
- Reisorganisaties in Azië
- Tibet
- 14 dagen Kailash Saka Dawa Festival Tour in Tibet rondreizen in China
- Festival & evenementen rondreizen
- Tibet rondreizen
- China rondreizen
- Festival & evenementen
- Jeep & 4WD
- Groep
- Gedeeltelijk begeleid
- West-China
- Tibet
- China-rondreizen