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"My name is Carmen MacLeod and I have spent the last year traveling solo as an artist, podcaster, and now tour guide. I am obsessed with learning discovering and uncovering the depths of who I am and empowering others to create the life of their dreams, because life is now. I am currently working as a guide in the Philippines and plan to travel the world as a guide, planting seeds of hope in the people I meet and creating the changes I want to see in the world."

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Carmen's reviews

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12th May 2023
What an absolutely amazing 10 days we had in the Philippines! It was my first time in Asia, and I must say that I have never ...
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28th March 2023
Really well put together trip, all activities included which was great, all the island hopping was amazing - taking us to pla...
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Adventures Carmen leads

Philippines West
4.8 avg. rating
Philippines Island Hopper
4.8 avg. rating