Deals of the Week  Women’s Day Escapes  Up to 50% OFF

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Bon Voyage



Before you even decide what to pack, consider the local conditions, the length of your trip, the style of the tour, the regulations of the airline and the activities planned. Then it is time to prepare your checklist. 

Just before leaving

• Stay updated with your flight status, and print out your tour voucher and any documents for any additional services.

• Keep a copy of your passport on you, whether on your phone or printed, you never know if you might need it.

• Create an emergency contacts list and keep them updated on where you are travelling to.

• Check what currency is used in the countries you are visiting and keep some small change on you.

• Brush up on your language skills and learn key phrases in the local language and download a translation app. 

• Share happy memories with your friends and family with customised postcards from the MyPostcard app.

Extra tips